Conception Bay South - page 5

Grand Falls - Windsor | 5
amenities they need to have a bright future
here at Conception Bay South.”
In order to work towards a more sustainable
environment and accommodate growth, the
town recently adopted the Conception Bay
South Municipal Plan for 2011 to 2021.This
plan layouts the path that will guide growth
of the town using principles of sustainabil-
ity; factors that focus on protection of the
shoreline, greater reduction in carbon emis-
sions and connectivity through initiatives
that compel walkability, and much more in
the way of placing greater emphasis on en-
vironmental stewardship. The Town has ad-
opted a Climate Change Mitigation Plan
which includes advancing the construction
of community gardens and promoting car-
pooling in order to reduce carbon emissions
from cars. Other initiatives in place include
development of the T’Railway which runs
through the town and provides residents
with beautiful linear trail, rich with trees and
scenic views. The presence of the T’Railway
also encourages people to walk or cycle rath-
er than use cars. Another functionality of it
is connecting people to retail areas in town.
Woodrow French, JP CRSP, Mayor
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