Conception Bay South - page 3

Grand Falls - Windsor | 3
Located along the scenic, southern shore of
Conception Bay on the Avalon Peninsula of
the island of New Foundland (a mere 20 ki-
lometers from the Provincial Capital city of
St. John’s) Conception Bay South has shined
in its efforts to live-up to the community’s
familiar motto - “Bright Town, Bright Fu-
ture.” Of course, through tirelessly working
toward the realization of goals involving
economic development and sustainability,
many have discovered that a brighter qual-
ity of life awaits here and now in Concep-
tion Bay South. Residential population has
steadily increased through recent years, and
an increasing number of entrepreneur striv-
ing for a bright business future have been
attracted to opportunities in this area. As
Mayor of Conception Bay South, Wood-
row French explains, “We are a vibrant com-
munity which is growing leaps and bounds.
We realize that there is a need to sustain our
community and provide its people with the
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