Hoosier Spring - page 6

6 | Hoosier Spring Co.
plications in which their products serve and
awareness of the lives that depend on that
service, Taylor says the approximately 100
comprising staff at Hoosier Spring take great
pride in their work and enthusiastically at-
tentive to the details by which their expertise
is distinguished. Qualitative excellence and
accountability should not, however, be con-
strued as merely a corporate function here, it
is more something of a family tradition.
Based in South Bend, Indiana, Hoosier
Spring sprung to life in 1954 through the
hard work of Jim Suth. Prior to starting the
company, Suth had worked for Bendix, a
company that was ultimately absorbed by
Honeywell, but in its heyday, was a dynamic,
pioneering manufacturer of parts used in au-
tomobiles, aviation, appliances and electron-
ic devices. According to Taylor, Suth toiled
in Bendix’ development department where
they were winding their own spring, but a
time came when it was determined that it
would be more efficient and cost effective to
outsource that function. This inspired Suth
to start his own enterprise and secure the
contract with his former employer. He set-
up shop in his home garage, winding springs
by hand, and heat-treating it in his kitchen
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