Hoosier Spring - page 11

Hoosier Spring Co. | 11
the industries in which it is currently serv-
ing, particularly aerospace and energy. He
says the company has also recently made en-
try into new market segments, especially in
service to the military as well as to firearm
manufacturers who are increasingly relying
on Hoosier Spring in their product design.
He also notes the company is seeing greater
demand for wire forms and clips used by the
automotive industry and expects Hoosier
will broaden its base in that market segment
soon. Otherwise, the company is advancing
its heat-treating capabilities and Taylor says
as more services are brought in-house, they
will be able to provide faster delivery and
quality to their customers. “Having the right
quality at the right time, that’s what every-
body wants,” observes Taylor.
He says by continually fostering an envi-
ronment that focuses on respect for all, by
constantly striving for excellence and effi-
ciency, and empowering employees to take
ownership of the processes that define their
required performance, Hoosier Spring is
poised to fully deliver on demand, and in
measures that may even exceed customer ex-
pectations. This, in fact, has always been a
hallmark of Hoosier Spring. As Taylor says,
“Customers know what we expect from our-
selves and they know we’re going to take care
of them too.”
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