Hoosier Spring - page 10

10 | Hoosier Spring Co.
by incorporating the principles of Six Sigma,
we’ve become more efficient and can provide
quicker turn around on orders without com-
promising on quality or increasing costs, and
this has proven to be a real benefit for us and
the customers we serve.”
Taylor says self-examination, the contin-
ual process of performance auditing, is in-
grained in all operational levels of Hoosier
Spring. The focus on efficiency and innova-
tion has helped them to better help their
customers, a process that frequently finds
Hoosier Springs advising on needed changes
in material or design specifications so that
customers receive a better product than
what they even initially ordered. Taylor re-
fers to such aspects as “value-added” service.
And though the company is increasingly in-
corporating automated elements in its pro-
duction model, Taylor says that has been
achieved without letting jobs go. Staff may
be moved into other areas, but their position
isn’t terminated. “We never get rid of any-
body. We find a way for them to add value
someplace else. The automation allows us to
better utilize our human resources so that we
can, again, save customers money and make
a better product in the long run. That’s what
we’ve always done, and that will never stop,”
affirms Taylor.
In terms of the future, Taylor anticipates
Hoosier Spring to make further advances in
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