Equipment is only one part of
the equation when it comes to
protecting workers at height.
Fall protection equipment and
PPE are often misused, thus
creating an inefficient or im-
proper system. Training on how
to use the equipment properly
and how to work safely in dan-
gerous environments is para-
mount. At 3M, we have a ded-
icated customer service team,
a fleet of demonstration trucks
that will go on-site to your loca-
tion, as well as extremely knowl-
edgeable sales coverage across
the US and around the world.
This fleet of specialized demon-
stration vehicles can bring on-
site, hands-on fall protection
demonstrations to your work-
force. This provides an excellent
introduction and awareness
to fall protection and safety at
When it comes to protecting
your workers, 3M Safety Train-
ing offers a variety of class-
es and services to meet your
needs. Our full range of fall pro-
tection, confined space and res-
cue training courses are offered
through the year at our state-
of-the-art training centers. We
also offer on-site safety training
across our portfolio customized
to the unique environment of
your facility.
“At 3M, we have a dedi-
cated customer service
team, a fleet of dem-
onstration trucks that
will go on-site to your
location, as well as ex-
tremely knowledgeable
sales coverage across
the US and around the
world. ”