The City of Dayton | 11
The University of Dayton is fast-tracking alternative energies. We partnered with the Air Force to operate one of the country’s first federal research facilities that creates jet fuel partially from biomass. And GE Aviation calls the EPISCENTER the “intellectual heart and soul” of its electrical power business. Any student can minor in sustainability, energy and the environment. And our master’s degree in clean and renewable energy is an international attraction — bringing three Fulbright scholars to the program at the same time. A TOP-TIER CATHOLIC RESEARCH UNIVERSITY udayton.eduand cooling costs, but helps mitigate pollut-
ants from storm water runoff ) and building
escalators were designed to function on-de-
mand, powering-off when not in actual use.
The traffic lights have even been converted
to LED systems and this alone has resulted
in more than 2 million kilowatt-hours of sav-
ings per year.
Waste recycling was also significantly
improved. Winchester explains that Day-
ton had adopted a weekly recycling program
many years earlier, but with budget cuts, the
city went to an every-other-week collection
cycle, and almost terminated the program.