That’s why, after much discus-
sion with the architect and the
project manager, they decid-
ed to construct the building
primarily out of steel and con-
For the same reason, Penn Ter-
ra has also committed to using
an innovative cladding system,
which originated in Europe, but
has only recently been intro-
duced in North America. In fact,
they were the first building in
Canada to commit to moving
forward with it.
“It’s as close to a mainte-
nance-free cladding system as
is possible,” John explains. “We
went down to the United States
to see an application of it, and
we were blown away. The build-
ing had been constructed five
years ago, but looked like it had
just been built. What was miss-
ing were the inevitable stains
on the exterior cladding that
result from the dirt and pollu-
tion that get deposited from
the rain.”
SkyRise, the supplier of the clad-
ding, is also a supplier of pre-
fabricated wall systems, which
made the choice especially ad-
vantageous. John says that “by
integrating the building of the
walls along with the exterior
cladding, it made for a much
more efficient process. The ac-
tual erection of the building is
now making up for lost time on
other matters that delayed the
JUNE 2019