Cross Keys Village – The Breth-
ren Home Community is a his-
toric community that provides
a wide range of senior living
services to older adults during
all stages of life after retire-
ment. Based in New Oxford,
Pennsylvania, Cross Keys Vil-
lage is the largest single-site
non-profit retirement commu-
nity in the state, and the eighth
largest in the country. Since
1908, they have been dedi-
cated to enriching the lives of
area elders. Their service offer-
ing has vastly expanded over
those years – in addition to
skilled nursing and rehab, they
offer four styles of Residential
Living, Personal Care, Memory
Care, Adult Day Services and
Memory & Caregiving Educa-
tion. But the essence of their
mission has never changed.
That mission currently reads:
“A Brethren ministry dedicated
to enriching the lives of older
Mindy Becker is the Commu-
nications and Gift Officer for
Cross Keys Village, and has
been with the organization
since 2007. In her time there,
she has observed continuous
improvement, especially in
two facets of the organization:
workforce engagement and
the quality of life of residents.
She has also noticed a change
in the perception of the village,
likely as a result of that im-
APRIL 2019