Business World |
March 2015
proud of it."
Rothesay's innovation doesn't stop there. As
of 2015, the town has begun work on a siz-
able project with the focus being on main-
taining the beautiful Kennebecasis River.
As McLean details, Rothesay intends to be
a leader in wastewater treatment across the
"We're currently working on a large proj-
ect in the $25 million range, to implement
biological treatment of wastewater," he says.
"Which will put us in a category outside of
all of our peer municipalities in New Bruns-
wick, because we'll be treating wastewater to
a level that - even though we never would -
could be consumed as potable water.”
In general, Rothesay as a council and com-
munity share the goal of protecting their
environment. When looking towards the