BWM - Mar 2015 - page 114

Business World |
March 2015
or sales tax generated, and we’ll return some
of that for a specific period of time depend-
ing on the magnitude of what they’re pro-
posing to do.”
Since 2011, Arlington has seen a sizable
boom in businesses taking on industrial, re-
tail, and medical space - approximately 30
million square feet of industrial space and
23 million square feet of retail and medical
space have been occupied. This has left the
city with somewhat of a problem, albeit one
of the best problems a city can have.
“We have almost no space to accommodate
anyone without new construction,” Payne
explained. “It’s a great problem to have, but
especially since 2011 ended, we’ve steadily
filled up our most of our industrial, office
and retail spaces.” Despite this, Arlington is
very fortunate to be in a location where re-
development is possible, and this helps to at-
tract investment capital to the city.
The city has been strategically involved in
both development and redevelopment proj-
ects inArlington in order to ensure that busi-
nesses wishing to locate in Arlington have
the space, resources and assistance needed to
help them invest in our community.
“When businesses looking to come to Ar-
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