June 2015
| Business World
For more than 30 years, Greg Brown Con-
struction has been serving Haliburton
County and its surrounding regions as a full
service builder capable of tackling nearly ev-
ery project the trade has to offer. Whether
it's building multimillion dollar luxury
homes or installing geothermal and septic
systems, Greg Brown Construction is the
go-to construction company for clients in
eastern Ontario.
Greg Brown founded the company in 1982.
Over the years, he and his team have accu-
mulated numerous certifications and profes-
sional standards in order to provide their cli-
ents with "virtually all aspects of the building
trade, from clearing the lot to handing over
the keys and everything in between." Save for
electrical work − which they subcontract to
reputable, local professionals − Greg Brown
Construction is now able to offer that full
suite of services.
"We try to be a one-stop-shop, and I like to
qualify that by saying that we are extensively
certified in most of the aspects of the build-
ing trade," Greg says. "And when our prima-
ry clientele are from the GTA and southern
Ontario, it's very difficult to be handling
several contractors at once. So if the ball