Business World |
April 2015
of oil and construction projects, AllTrans
Port Service is agile and prepared when de-
mand means supply.
“We handle any steel products. In other
words – any bulk steel we are capable of
handling,” Rains said. “We can handle plate,
coil, square tubing, regular tubing, any kind
of steel materials that come in bulk we can
handle. It’s just that the market has demand-
ed the OCTG product as being what is most
needed, so that’s where our focus has been.”
“Being in the Port of Houston, we have to
handle whatever our customers need us to
handle,” Rains continued. “It’s not that it’s
all we do, it’s just what the market has de-
manded recently and we’ve had very good
relationship with those customers.”
Having already achieved a monumental
amount of growth over the years in revenue,
equipment and employee base, AllTrans Port
Services continues to delve into the market-
place and their list of resources and partner-
ships to plan their next steps in the evolution
of the company.
“You have to look ahead and not just operate
on the day to day,” Rains said. “We’re always
talking with people wanting to do joint ven-