Business World |
April 2015
cial and environmental programs or contri-
Examples of those programs include Chaa
Creek’s Environmental Education Outreach
program, which “takes environmental edu-
cation directly to schools and many special
events throughout Belize.” Chaa Creek also
established the Belize Foundation for Con-
servation to “promote environmental educa-
tion, cultural awareness and sustainable con-
servation practices.”
Each year, the Lodge at Chaa Creek also
hosts hundreds of local and overseas stu-
dents, and sponsors internship positions in
ecotourism and responsible travel through
programs at their Natural History Centre,
Blue Morpho Breeding Centre, Rainforest
Medicinal Trail and other Chaa Creek op-
erations. Many other Chaa Creek sponsored
programs – including a scholarship and the
annual “Eco-Kids environmental education
summer camp” – provide educational and
personal development opportunities for Be-
lizean students. The resort also offers finan-
cial assistance and community support pro-
grams that benefit local charities and welfare
programs, such as the Octavia Waight Old
Folks Centre, the Cayo Deaf Institute and
the Marla House of Hope Orphanage.
On an international level, Chaa Creek has
partnered with a number of agencies, orga-
nizations and individuals – such as the New
York Botanical Gardens and the Founda-
tion for Wildlife Conservation in an effort
to facilitate environmental conservation and