April 2015
| Business World
formed together," he continues. "Secondly,
the cycle time on the form is very fast, so you
can improve upon the speed of the project.
We started using it on large housing projects,
and as we've built up an inventory of forms,
we're now using it on numerous projects."
John estimates that NH International (Ca-
ribbean) currently employs roughly 150 per-
manent staff members in addition to the rest
of the company's workforce, which includes a
"considerable number" of labor-only subcon-
tractors. He points out that there are many
qualities that make the organization appeal-
ing to the local labor pool, particularly their
"professional culture."
"Over the years, we've built a culture with-
in the organization of strength, integrity,
professionalism, and I'd say we have a fairly
strong reputation throughout the region,"
he proclaims. "We promote integrity and
we have systems and structures within the
company that allow people to operate pro-
NH International (Caribbean) also enjoys