April 2015
| Business World
Since commencing operations in 1995, NH Interna-
tional (Caribbean) have established themselves as an
industry leader in the construction services and con-
struction management sector throughout their region.
The Trinidad-based company − which has won the
prestigious Trinidad and Tobago Contractors Associa-
tion (TTCA) Contractor of the Year award six times
since the turn of the century − has successfully deliv-
ered high-profile projects to major clients in more than
12 countries across the Caribbean.
Today, NH International (Caribbean) predominantly
undertakes projects ranging from $10 million USD to
$100 million USD in the commercial, residential, edu-
cation, and health sectors. They also have the capacity
to handle civil engineering projects, but according to
Managing Director John Connon, the company is cur-
rently focusing on residential major housing works, as
well as water and sewage treatment facilities.
"In the past, we've built roads and other types of civil
projects − not just in Trinidad, but throughout the Ca-
ribbean islands − but at the moment, we're concentrat-
ing more on the residential building types of projects