April 2015
| Business World
“In Alaska, we like to brag that we have the
bestmanaged resources in the world,” he said.
“We have good scientists, and the NPFMC
relies heavily on the science. We’re fairly con-
servatively managed. We’re lucky to be in the
Bering Sea and Alaska, because we have such
a healthy resource.”
“Things are very healthy and we have a pro-
ductive ecosystem,” he added. “We have a lot
of forward thinking people who like to make
decisions based on conservations and pre-
cautionary principles. There are a lot of peo-
ple who are in it for the long term, not short
term gains.” Moving forward, Anderson pre-
dicted that the authorities will continue to
take a long term view, and Alaska will likely
continue to have some of the best managed
resources in the world. As far as ASKC is
concerned, however, he said the future is “a
little up in the air” while the NHPFC delib-
erates making cuts to halibut allocations.
“It depends on how the Council acts on this
halibut issue,” Anderson said. “Depending
on what happens, people are going to be
looking at different solutions.”