BWM March 2014 - page 84

84 | Business World Magazine |
March 2014
would the pipeline create thousands of di-
rect and indirect jobs, but it would also safe-
ly transport a reliable energy source from our
ally Canada to the United States. Energy is
a significant competitive advantage that the
United States can’t afford to risk.
Workforce: Since more than 80 percent
of manufacturers in the United States re-
port a shortage of skilled workers, we need
to make 21st-century training a national im-
perative so that current and future American
workers can realize their full potential. We
can do this through collaboration among
businesses, governments, educational insti-
tutions and nonprofits, each offering their
unique strengths to close the skills gap. The
NAM-endorsed Skills Certification System,
which helps individuals secure and employ-
ers recognize the skills needed to succeed
in the manufacturing workforce, is another
great model.
Manufacturers are ready to do our part.
Despite pervasive economic uncertainty,
we are fired up and ready to go. There are
signs a lasting economic recovery is within
reach. Working together, manufacturers, the
administration and Congress can take bold
steps and get the bold results our nation de-
Over the next year, the president and
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