company, which has coincided for all but
two years with Crivac – who’s celebrating
30 years with the company this year andwas
named the 2013 Safety Leader of the Year
by the Greater Michigan Chapter of
AssociatedBuilders andContractors.
Crivac, as Three Rivers’ safety director, is
the focal point for all safety com-
munications, updates, investigations,
inspections and safety training. His recent
efforts led to a standardization of the
company safet y manua l to better
a c k n o w l e d g e a n d s h a r e s a f e t y
communication, and he has consistently
recommended corrective actions to
mitigate hazards based on safety reports
Three Rivers has refined its safety approach
into a f i ve -po int prog ram whos e
foundational tenets are a top-down
commitment from management to the
craftsman, a strong safety program that
makes all elements easily accessible and
196 | BusinessWorld |
July-August 2014