Jan 2014 - page 137

January 2014
| Business World Magazine | 137
ew would dispute that Kineticom’s
got technology chops. The 13-year-
old organization is an ISO-certified
talent firm with specific focuses on technol-
ogy recruitment and service delivery, and it’s
got a slew of awards that illustrate that it not
only does what it says – but does so at a level
comparable to only the best of the best in the
The prowess is no accident. In fact, says
CEO Mike Wager, it’s a direct result of the
emphasis the company puts on the people it
brings through the front door.
“We’re the human capital piece of the
equation,” he says.
“Whether that’s on a staff-augmentation
basis or a project solution basis where we’re
working with clients and are focused more
on deliverables and results versus billable
hours, what we bring to the equation is the
human capital that’s necessary to enable the
The San Diego-based company was founded
in 2000 by partners Simon Billsberry, Steve
Orr and Paul Roebuck, and among its first
successful operations was the reengineer-
ing and outsourcing of staffing functions at
Metapath Software International. A project
consultation was initiated with Flextronics
within a year, and inaugural staffing place-
ments were at local offices for both Sprint
and Ericsson.
Shortly thereafter, international special-
ist teams were deployed to Latin America
for Ericsson, a first staffing service contract
was secured with T-Mobile, a three-year
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