Jan 2014 - page 100

100 | Business World Magazine |
January 2014
nancial certainty, quality equipment for the
system providers and lower cost. In addi-
tion, broad economic benefits including lo-
cal employment and new revenue into the
province, a “made in Nova Scotia” solution
and integration into the broader healthcare
system are realized.
EHS’s reach now includes a centralized
provincial medical communications and dis-
patch center, the Nova Scotia Trauma Pro-
gram, and a medical first response program
in which emergency responder agencies re-
spond to stabilize life-threatening situations
until paramedics arrive on scene.
Additionally, EHS’s Extended Care Pro-
gram provides specialized care focused on
the unique needs of nursing home patients,
the RESTORE program enables delivery of
pre-hospital thrombolytic drugs to lessen
impacts of heart attacks and its MedicAlert
Interchange Project allows e-access to pa-
tient care records while en route to an emer-
gency scene.
Tony Eden, the director of ground ambu-
lance and medical communication services,
says EHS handles more than 140,000 ambu-
lance calls per year, nearly half of which are
what he described as “routine,” many consist-
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