BWM April 2014 - page 99

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 99
counted for 5.8 percent of total retail sales
in 2013, up from a 5.2-percent share of total
retail sales a year earlier.
Schlossman believes a transformation is
coming in e-commerce packaging that’s sim-
ilar to what began occurring in club stores,
like Costco, Sam’s Club, and BJ’s, in the mid-
1990s. There, steel shelves crammed with
pallets full of plain brown product pack-
ages were gradually replaced by colorful and
graphic-laden boxes, as companies began fo-
cusing attention on brand impact.
The more that online shopping swells,
he said, the more focus will shift to creative
and eye-catching packaging. “As the market
started, the shipper was nothing more than a
vehicle to get what you bought on the com-
puter to your house,” he said. “There was no
need for graphics. Today, we are starting to
see more of a shift as companies try to differ-
entiate themselves from their competitors.
They are more focused on their brand and
their image and your feeling as a consumer
once you open that package.”
These boxes are produced in the same
manner as the club store boxes, with the only
difference being that graphics are on the in-
side instead of outside the box. This feature
also helps to reduce theft through the mail
because the outside of the box is nonde-
script. “We believe in the next three to five
years this category will be more than 10 per-
cent of our business,” Schlossman said.
Another key to Accurate’s success is its
well-trained and dedicated workforce. “We
have a very skilled and cooperative team
that understands that we need to remain
competitive to succeed in the marketplace,”
Schlossman said. “As big as we get, we still
want to maintain the feel of a family owned
At 70 years old, the company has no plans
to retire. In fact, the fourth generation, in
the form of Mark and Lisa’s daughter, Sa-
mara Schlossman, joined the family business
earlier this year. “Her presence has excited
our workforce because it guarantees their fu-
ture,” Mark Schlossman said.
Accurate Box
Independent manufacturer of lithol-
aminated packaging
Paterson, N.J.
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