BWM April 2014 - page 187

April 2014
| Business World Magazine | 187
panies in the EMS business change their ap-
proaches from one of reactive care-giver to
proactive preventative provider.
“It comes down to the economics of it all,”
he says. “If the pre-hospital providers are go-
ing to be more involved in preventative care,
it’s going to be a huge challenge. We’re be-
ing encouraged to prepare for it, but the in-
frastructure is not in place. It’s an increased
scope of practice and not all of the decisions
that are going to be needed have been made
yet, so there’s a lot of uncertainty out there.”
But not, he says, when it comes to where
the organizational emphasis will remain.
“We’ve been long, stable providers in our
communities, and that stands us apart from
the flashier operations,” he says. “We’re tried
and true community players.”
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