BWM - Nov 2013 - page 85

November 2013
| Business World Magazine | 85
support from professionals throughout the
country that it soon transitioned into a na-
tionally-focused organization known as the
Linen Supply Association of America. Many
changes would take place over the next few
years, from operational advances that saw
operators transition to truck and rail deliv-
ery systems as opposed to horse-drawn bug-
gies; issues arising from the unionizing of
workers and legislative policies. At the same
time, there were advances in mechanical
systems and industry itself which put addi-
tional demands on manufacturers, suppliers
and laundry processors. Through it all, oper-
ators understood that by working together,
they could more effectively grow and capi-
talize on information sharing, research and
training in what was rapidly evolving into a
highly specialized industry. In 1979, in rec-
ognition of the many launderers that special-
ized in heavy industry cleaning services, the
LSAA rebranded once more to become the
Textile Rental Service Association. TRSA
has evolved into an international organiza-
tion that represents companies who supply
the laundered garments, uniforms, linens,
floor mats, towels and other products neces-
sary for their customers to respectively oper-
ate safe, clean facilities. TRSA companies are
not only specialists in providing and manag-
ing the supply of quality textile goods direct-
ly to business locations, but are also experts
in determining the most hygienic and cost-
effective laundering solutions for a variety
of workplaces, from small medical practices
serving only a few patients to stadiums that
accommodate more than 100,000 specta-
tors. From hospitality and healthcare, to re-
tail, manufacturing and automotive services,
these industries are among the most depen-
dent on textile rental services. TRSA’s mem-
bership comprises almost 90 percent of the
entire textile services market, from national
chain stores and single-plant operators to
those who provide the products, machinery,
supplies and services required by industry.
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