204 | Business World Magazine |
November 2013
here truly understands the importance of
quality and consistency, and therefore,
they lead by example. Everyone is walk-
ing the walk. This trickles down the line
of management, to all employees, which
in turn is experienced by the club mem-
bers; a measure that surely keeps annual
renewal rates high. It may be a country
club, but as Inglis says, it still needs to be
run like a business.
In celebration of accomplishing 100
years of golf and service, Knickerbocker
plans to commemorate in ways that are
inclusive of all members. The staff and
Board are planning a large, family-style,
party that will include BBQs, entertain-
ment and midway games followed with a
fireworks display at dusk. This is planned
for mid-summer, 2014, when most mem-
bers are in town. The desire is for as many
members possible to participate in, and
enjoy, this event. In addition, a centennial
committee has been working on the pub-
lication of a handsome, hard cover, cof-
fee table book that will cover the history
of the club. There are also plans in the
pipeline for additional, smaller celebra-
tions throughout the year. Inglis says this