BWM May 2013 - page 251

May 2013
| Business World Magazine | 251
The origins of inspiration have been contemplated by civili-
zations for centuries. For ancient Scandinavians, inspiration
was a means by which gods awarded gifts to do-gooders. The
Greeks viewed it as a temporary state-of-madness in which
one, for whatever reason, temporarily connects with divine
thought and intention. Roman Philosopher Cicero once said,
“No one was ever great without some portion of divine inspi-
ration.” And so it is, in South Carolina, that one company’s
achieving of greatness all began from an inspiration which
struck a man as he drove his car along the highway; inspira-
tion that ultimately drove him to create a company that not
only helps healthcare professionals, but also state residents
as well as the environment all enjoy.
Based in West Columbia, South Carolina, Diversified Medical
Services is the only state-approved and state-licensed company
with the qualifications to both collect and dispose of medical
waste. Since launching in 2006, DMS has secured an expanding
client list of hospitals, dentists, laboratories, veterinary clinics,
mortuaries and more, by providing services that not only allow
for greater safety, convenience and costs-savings, but also great-
er assurance that medical waste is being professionally handled,
treated and disposed.
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