July 2013
| Business World Magazine | 65
about our participation in this Action Plan
for ending racism and discrimination is that
we didn’t get on board because of a specific
incident. The initiative is not a reaction to an
event but rather a proactive move forward,”
says Lynette.
Sidewalks are among the infrastructure
improvement made in the community of
Centreville. With partial funding support
from a federal economic stimulus initia-
tive affiliated with the Build Canada Fund,
council awarded a contract to Dexter Con-
struction Company who has not only made
improvements on concrete shoulders and
curbs, but also added additional storm catch
basins, storm sewer pipes, a rock retaining
wall, various guardrails and more. The proj-
ect reflects more than $384,000 of commu-
nity enhancement.
Even though the Municipality of the
County of Kings has faced some challenges
in the form of navigating around the vari-
ous political and personal agendas in each
respective community, especially during the
Kings 2050 project, they remain headstrong
towards achieving their goals and sharing
their success stories.“We are members of dif-
ferent organizations where we meet and dis-
cuss all the information we have gathered.
We are open to sharing our knowledge with
others in the province so that all of us can
benefit.” says Scott. Ben goes on to conclude,
“We want to experience a regional, proac-
tive, coordinated approach towards plan-
ning and innovation in infrastructure and to
encourage economic development through
these efforts. That is our hope for the years
to come.”