BWM July 2013 - page 25

July 2013
| Business World Magazine | 25
ply collaboration. The success of this project
in the Louisiana region could easily be rep-
licated in other watersheds around the US,
which each face their own unique issues.
In June 2012, US BCSD and WBCSD
members, government, academic, NGO,
and other thought-leaders in sustainabil-
ity convened at Yale University’s Center for
Business and the Environment. The goal was
to define pathways to achieving a sustainable
world by 2050. The purposes are clear while
plans-of-solution, not so, but as Mangan
says, where there is resolve and willingness
to work together, solutions can be more rec-
ognized. And with having so many talking
together come increased opportunities to
work together. These processes will continue
February 6-7, 2013, with a meeting in Aus-
tin, Texas. All interested business leaders are
encouraged to participate.
Meanwhile, the US BCSD will continue
working on partnerships, synergies and proj-
ects that combine their regional implemen-
tation strategies with the WBCSD’s global
business solutions, augmented by the frame-
work of the WBCSD’s Vision 2050 sustain-
ability pathway.
“We will continue seeking out ways of
achieving the sustainable development ‘must
haves’ by 2020, just seven years from now,”
says Mangan. “We will continue building
bridges between companies, sectors and
with the public to establish alignment on
this path.”
He encourages business leaders to get in-
volved and share input.
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