April 2013 - page 121

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 121
meeting certain standards in industry.
FBR has gone on to conduct surveys with
more than 700 franchise brands. Any com-
pany with at least ten franchisees can par-
ticipate in the survey process at NO COST.
Potential investors can rapidly access infor-
mation via FBR’s website at
businessreview.com. The website addition-
ally offers news and insight into issues and
trends happening throughout industry.
Rowans says FBR’s survey is not intended
to replace the typical franchise investigation
process in which investors should engage,
rather, it is intended to help expedite that
process and allow investors to get immediate
feedback from existing franchisees.
And after franchisees are surveyed, fran-
chisors can also receive a portion of the find-
ings for no cost. Should franchisors elect to
receive a more detailed, comprehensive re-
port of the findings, which offers compara-
tive analytic tools to give business owners
better insight as to how their operations are
perceived when measured against industry
at-large, there are fees for this service. The
core of FBR’s business comes from the offer-
The team fromWild Birds Unlimited earned a 2013 Franchisee Satisfaction Award from FBR.
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