November 2012
| Business World Magazine | 81
realized the potential for a business model
that incorporated use of these products and a
maintenance system which could serve com-
mercial accounts and consumers-at-large.
This led to the creation of milliCare Carpet
Textile Care.
Through the years that have followed,
milliCare has continuously captured hon-
ors from national concerns that include The
United States Green Building Council, The
Carpet and Rug Institute and Green Seal, a
national not-for-profit that certifies environ-
mentally preferable carpet cleaning practic-
In making a point about the safety of
their cleaning products, Salitore says unlike
some chemicals other companies use, mil-
liCare’s are not poisonous “and it wouldn’t
hurt if you ate it.” Do bear inmind, however,
what may be pleasing to the taste of textiles,
may not be so to tongues.
The sheer potency and efficiency of milli-
Care’s method helps empower franchisees to
achieve success. For one, carpets don’t have
to wait to dry to be walked on. Secondly, as
many of their clients have focused on pre-
serving assets and saving costs that arise from
having to replace carpets and other cover-
ings, they’ve realized the benefit of working
with milliCare. Salitore shares a story of one