November 2012
| Business World Magazine | 79
opening their own mills. From manufactur-
ing, Milliken later expanded their efforts fur-
ther by launching a chemical manufacturing
division. By the mid 20th Century, Milliken
pioneered research and development of new
fibers and fabrics that include Agilon (nylon
yarn used in women’s hosiery), Belfast (the
first self-ironing 100% cotton fabric) and
Visa polyester (a fabric alternative to cotton
that allows stains and soils to be released in
one wash).
These innovations would be comple-
mented by a long list of others that figure in
so many processes today, and influence so
much of the products that touch everyday
lives, that Milliken is widely recognized as
one of the most dynamic companies ever to
be created. To put it simply, it has grown into
a multi-billion, multi-national powerhouse
of industry and innovation that employs
tens-of-thousands of people, and holds liter-
ally thousands of patents. In that many of
their ingenuities involved the manufactur-
ing of carpets and textiles, Milliken often re-
ceived inquiries from consumers as to what
may be the most appropriate method for tak-
ing care of carpet purchased. To determine
the answer to such questions, their research
development division pursued exhaustive
To explain the solution identified, one must
first be familiar with the life and legacy of