major draw when it comes to attracting busi-
ness and investment.
For example, the city is ultimately home to
the highly-sought after ACE research and test-
ing facility at the University of Ontario Institute
of Technology. That building offers chambers
and technology for climatic, structural durabil-
ity and life-cycle testing. Its facilities include
one of the largest and most sophisticated cli-
matic wind tunnels (CWT) on the planet. In the
CWT, wind speeds can reach 300 kilometres
per hour with temperatures that range from -40
to +60 degrees Celsius.
The ACE research and testing facility’s so-
lar arrays and storm generators can also cre-
ate any weather condition imaginable, “from
sweltering jungle downpours to the paralyzing
cold of an arctic storm.” The facility uses these
chambers to test automotive and aerospace
products, to improve the performance of elite
athletes, and to provide services to many other
markets – including the Unmanned Aerial Ve-
hicle (UAV) industry, film and television, and
ACE is available for rent to clients from
any industry who are seeking climatic testing
capabilities to bring their ideas into a proof of
concept or market readiness. Sharma says it’s