The city is also exceedingly business
friendly, with an optimal location in the Greater
Toronto Area (GTA), and an active Economic
Development Office (EDO) dedicated to pro-
viding a wide range of information and services
to help businesses grow and prosper. As a re-
sult, the city is home to many major corporate
headquarters, as well as the Toronto Pearson
International Airport, the largest airport in the
Moving forward, however, the City of Mis-
sissauga is not content to rest on its laurels
– the city has a vision to become a worldwide
hub of creative and innovative activity, where
business and talent thrive.
To realize their vision, the City of Missis-
sauga adopted a 10-year Economic Develop-
ment Strategy in 2010, which identified actions
for fostering a prosperous and sustainable
economy. The strategy was structured around
three high level goals: become a global busi-
ness magnet; embrace a culture of innovation;
and build a knowledge economy.
With the 10-year strategy passed its mid-
point, the City of Mississauga is optimistic as it
focuses on existing strengths and seeks new
opportunities that will help the local economy
continue to grow and prosper.