May 2015
| Business World
“We’re proud of the awards wewin for safety,”
Barton said. “ABC sponsors national compe-
tition for the safest companies and they give
awards from bronze, silver, gold and plati-
num and every year we win either platinum
or gold for our safety performance.”
“Thecriterionmeasures the traditional things
that construction companies are gauged by,
which is: your loss ratio, your training and
your EMR - all the things that are important
in our industry from a client perspective.”
A look at the statistics and you’ll see why
DECCO’s safety imprint is hard to ignore:
current EMR – 0.69, an ABC STEP Plati-
num rating for 10 straight years, and zero lost
time accidents in over 2,500,000 man hours.
“It means a tremendous amount from at-
tracting new clients who are interested in
the safety performance and the awards we’ve
won,” Barton said. “When it comes to at-
tracting people into our apprenticeship pro-
gram – the youth coming in out of trade
school or vocational high schools – they’re
impressed by the apprenticeship awards.”
While safety remains a critical component
in the ongoing growth at DECCO, the
company has also been recognized for their
prowess when taking on projects. The 2014