May 2015
| Business World
HERMES system won Silver in the 'Applied
Technology/Safety' category.
According to Centamore, the team was
thrilled to pick up those awards because the
company was "going up against names that
you would recognize."
"It's quite an honor," he said."Usually when
we tell people about what our technology
does, they're pretty amazed that it's even pos-
sible. To see an organization that really op-
erates outside of the biometrics community
and outside of the specific technology areas
that we're working in find this technology
to be as impressive as they do, it really con-
firmed for us that we had something that was
very unique."
In the coming years, Centamore indicated
that AOS plans to workclosely with compa-
nies in the control access devices industry to
have their systems integrated into their solu-
tions. He also anticipates that the company
will continue to redefine electro-optical
technologies by discovering ones "that aren't
even on our roadmap at this point."
"Five years from now, I think we'll have tech-
nologies that we haven't even thought of yet
because we continue to innovate every day,"
he concluded."And not just incrementally−
we try to move the market forward in more
of a paradigm-changing kind of way."