March 2015
| Business World
It’s all in the family at the Wilco group of
companies. What started in Thunder Bay,
Ontario in 1952 quickly spread nationwide
to cities like Regina, Saskatoon, Fort Mc-
Murray, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver.
To meet the demands of projects and opera-
tions, individual corporations were formed
under the Wilco umbrella. Out of four cor-
porations, three remain family-owned. One
of them, Wilco Civil has been in operation
since 1992.
Based out of Vancouver, Wilco Civil em-
ploys between 80-90 people. A unique cor-
porate culture that blends longevity and to-
getherness, Wilco Civil President and CEO
RobMaat has been involved since the outset.
“Wilco is corporate but also family ori-
ented,” Maat said. “We encourage people
to develop their careers here and as a result
we have a lot of senior people here that have
been here for a long time. In fact, our longest
term employee had a 25-year anniversary. All