March 2015
| Business World
live, and towards active transportation to get
people out of their cars and on their bikes
and into sneakers."
With projects surrounding recreation and
the health and wellness of their citizens, it
should come as no surprise that the Town
of Rothesay is committed to advancing their
water treatment systems. In 1996, the town
implemented a ZeeWeed microfiltration
process which continues to service the com-
munity to this day. The technology, which
was new to Canada, allows Rothesay to treat
upwards of 600,000 gallons of water a day.
"Our water treatment system, a microfiltra-
tion process trademarked by GE [General
Electric], was the first of its kind in Canada,"
states McLean. "Rothesay was the trial, and
since that time, GE has expanded and they
have nearly 2000 plants around the world
now. It has become the premier treatment
for water and we were the first ones, we
were pioneers in it. It's worked very well and
served our citizens very well, so we're quite
For 60 years CBCL Limited technical and support staff have been shaping tomorrow locally, nationally and internationally. We pride ourselves on fostering mutual success with our clients and valuing our dedicated, talented employees who contribute to the communities in which they live and work. With 8 locations and staff numbering more than 300, we have become the largest employee owned multidiscipline engineering firm in Atlantic Canada. w w w . C B C L . c a T hanks 6o for being with us for our first our people are shaping tomorrow