Business World |
March 2015
“We form personal relationships with them,”
he adds. “When it comes to our most faith-
ful clients, we help them, we spend time in
their offices and we work with them almost
on a daily basis designing processes. With
those types of companies, we’ve sustained
long-term relationships.”
Currently, PERM is heavily focused on digi-
tal core analysis – “where we use computa-
tional physics to describe what’s going on
inside the pores, at a microscopic scale in a
reservoir,” Dr. Kantzas explains.
Digital core analysis works by combiningCT
Scanning, micro-CT, SEM, EM, NMR and
a few other sensors. PERM imports this data
into their complex models, and then proper-
ties are calculated within every single pore.
From that, they derive accurate core analysis
data and upscaling algorithms.