March 2015
| Business World
as having developed a one-of-a-kind mobile
CT scanner in North America – all for their
Airo mobile Intraoperative CT system.
“Winning these awards was an amazing
validation to our company,” said Gregerson.
“Not only to the engineers in our company
who designed the system, but it was also a
unique opportunity for a large number of
our vendors to market the win and show
that they were part of the development of
the system.”
“I’m a big believer in letting our engineers
try stuff, and if it doesn’t work to start over
again or change the concept a little bit,” he
continued. “We’ve worked with very small
and talented design teams within multi-bil-
lion dollar companies and we’ve had consis-
tent weekly or bi-weekly meetings where we
initially set-out the specifications to develop
the technology that needed to work within
our machine.”
Four years after the company was founded
and $20 million dollars later, Mobius Imag-
ing entered the market – at a fraction of cost
and time it would have taken a larger com-
pany to do so. In competition with some of
the world’s foremost brands in medical de-
vice technology and integration, the Mas-