Business World |
March 2015
whereby some of the materials they are sup-
plying are made using green energy.
KRAIBURG TPE's diverse product line
covers a wide array of applications. Their
THERMOLAST K series is considered
their "workhorse" and encompasses all of
their general-purpose grades mainly for the
consumer, automotive and industrial indus-
"So, anything from power tools to kitchen
utensils to automotive interior and exterior
parts," Katherine explains. "We also have ad-
hesion grades that can bond to virtually all
other types of hard substrates, such as poly-
carbonate, acetyl, PC-ABS and polypropyl-
Their THERMOLAST W series is also
highly regarded throughout the industry for
its ability to maintain a "high coefficient of
friction even in wet environments," which is
particularly popular in the sports and leisure
industry, Katherine points out.
They also offer a THERMOLAST M series
which caters to the medical and pharmaceu-
tical industries. There are four main grades