Business World |
March 2015
ters and large Type 1 airtankers, so we see
both sides of the market where normally you
only have one or the other, and they’re both
quite different. We have the right equipment
for the right job for many different require-
Today, Coulson Aircrane employs approxi-
mately 50 staff members in total. Britt indi-
cates that stability has been a trademark of
the company over the years, revealing the
average employee has an approximate tenure
of over eight years. He credits this employee
longevity to the “enjoyable work environ-
“We have a pretty tight-knit group here,” he
proclaims. “Some of the things we do are
unique, where although we do manufactur-
ing, the guys will be on the same project from
start to finish. Rather than just manufactur-
ing a rib and that’s all you’re going to do for
the next three years, our guys will manufac-
ture the rib, and then they’ll install it in the
bulkhead and manufacture that, and then
work their way up to the full tanking system
or the main assembly.”
“So, our manufacturing program is very dif-
ferent from what a lot of other larger com-
panies do. Our guys aren’t doing the same