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June 2015

| Business World


central control system for all irrigation on

the property and most recently have upgrad-

ed much or our lighting to LED and intro-

duced further organic recycling programs.”

Carvalho understands the importance and

impact that constant development and buy-

in from all individuals has on the successful

implementation of the programs.

“We tweak it every now and then for differ-

ent items that come into the waste field, such

as what type of garbage is being generated,

and what kind of recycling materials are be-

ing produced,” he said. “Our participation is

not limited to solely the management team;

the tenants buy-in into the program has been

nothing short of miraculous.”

“It’s very difficult in the retail environment

to try and get buy-in into certain some pro-

grams because it always involves manpower,

something above and beyond what they’d

normally do,” Carvalho continued. “And,

due to the seasonality of retail staffing it is

challenging to continuously communicate

and educate in order to maximize commit-

ment and work towards our goal of increas-

ing diversion rate by 5% each year.”

Characterized as a snowball effect, LaRonde

admits the buy-in from merchants is a cru-

cial point of assimilation and success.

“Continuous communication and sharing of

success is key,” she said. “Our back hallways

are lined with bins and we have specific la-

beling for them, so all the merchants know

where to take their waste/recyclables and

how to sort them. The buy in from them is

critical. We police it, we help them, we pro-

vide them with the tools they need and we

communicate with them on a regular basis.”

“It takes a lot of constant communication

to make the program work,” she continued.

“Right now our merchants not only recycle

products that come through their stores, but

we have green waste, Styrofoam waste, e-

waste, their packaging is all sorted by waste

– their light bulbs, batteries, furniture – ev-

erything that comes through their store that

we can collect, we do.”

Winning the award brings not only justifica-

tion of a continued job well done, but also

serves as a notice to the external community

that Burlington Mall is doing their part to

keep the property clean, green and running
