are there for it, but we have the people who
can do it."
Working at Level One requires a dedication
to t eamwork and a great deal o f versatility.
arises is an important aspect of operation, as
bers in order to support one another.
"We treat each o ther l ike family h ere," says
Dumitru. "It's very c lose. Everyone h elps
each o ther o ut, because when y ou're in a
small business sometimes you don't just have
one role, you have many hats.
"Everything, e specially in c onstruction, is
never just one p erson," he c ontinues. "It's a
work here; the team atmosphere and every-
one gets along."
"What sets u s apart is o ur a ward-winning
work," says Dumitru.
Level One has an impeccable track record of
success, compiling f our consecutive wins a t