April 2015
| Business World
up costing his or her fellowcoworkers their
team bonuses− a smart way to guarantee
that safety is at the forefront of each worker's
In addition to these incentives, Deeny Con-
struction also hands out awards at their an-
nual Christmas party.Workers with pristine
safety records− including one employee who
had accumulated upwards of 20,000 acci-
dent-free hours as well as a current foreman
who has over 13,000 accident-free hours−re-
ceive the prestigious Top Gun Safety Award.
According to Terry, there is nothing more
important to the company than seeing their
employees make it home safe and sound ev-
night.Tofurther ensure this happens, they
host safety meetings every Monday morn-
ing, provide theirstaff with diversified safety
training andemphasizethe issue of safety in
every newsletter. The company's workforce –
and their family members – appreciate that
"I remember several years ago at a Christ-
mas party, a new employee's wife came up to
me and told me that she felt so much better
knowing that her husband was now working
for Deeny Construction," Terry stated."She
said that she could rest easy because she knew
her husband was working at a safe place."