Arup Datta Architect Ltd
November 2014
| Business Worl
team has won several awards for innovation
and design throughout the years.
Datta credits this to his unique design phi-
losophy, his talented, hard-working team
and always sticking strictly to his principles.
The accolades have helped solidify his
brand and help keep the company stable
even through several economic recessions
in North America. This has also pushed the
firm to make a name for themselves abroad,
and go wherever there is work to provide
their expertise and support.
“In our line of work, we are always fighting
against the budget, with several firms always
ready to undercut us in price, it is important
vices we provide and remunerate us accord-
ingly,” says Datta.
This has meant that the team has become
somewhat selective in the projects they
choose and the clients they work with, look-
ing for projects that will showcase the firm’s
abilities and allow them to work within a
high standard.
With a passion for what they do and a goal
to provide the best and be the best, Arup
Datta Architects have created a unique mar-
ket niche which they will dominate for years
to come.