Grand Rapids Plastics 2014 - Brochure - page 9

as Entrepreneur of theYear inMichigan and
Northwest Ohio by Ernst and Young,
which will name the winner at a June 5
awards gala in Detroit. The organization’s
national award winner will be feted at a
November event inPalmSprings, Calif.
The award celebrates entrepreneurs who’ve
demonstrated innovation and achieved
success in innovation and financial
performance while maintaining a personal
commitment to both their businesses and
their surrounding communities.
“He’s probably toomodest to tell anyone he
was even nominated,” said Bott’s son, Jerry,
who’s now the company president. “He’s
never looking for applause or a pat on the
back. That’s just the man he is and has
always been.”
Going forward, it’s presumably the way he’ll
remain, too.
A continued beneficial relationship will be
necessary to ensure the company’s growth; a
growth, incidentally, that has come solely by
word of mouth because Bott employs no
salesmen. He hopes to reduce the overall
corporate debt thanks to advantageous
financing from the Smal l Business
Administration and local banks.
“Once we get that under control, we can be
whoever we want ourselves to be,” he said.
“All we have to do is just duplicate it over
again. We can take this model – the
stewardship of our time, our talent and our
financial resources – to help people help
people. Because that’swhat it’s all about.
“People have lost perspective on what life is
all about.We’re here tohelp eachother.”
Grand Rapids Plastics
Provider of high-quality, precision plastic
injection molding for several industries,
including automotive, home, port/
recreation, construction and electronics
Grand Rapids, Mich.
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