Grand Rapids Plastics 2014 - Brochure - page 5

but he returned a fewyears later after a series
of failed leaders in the interim ultimately
forced the company into bankruptcy. All
assets other than the equipment and real
estate Bott personal ly owned were
auctioned off in 2003 and the company
name was abandoned as well, leaving it
available for him to reclaim on April 29,
2005– the day he looks upon as a rebirth.
“You can be a believer or not be a believer,
but one thing we can agree upon is that the
one thing we’re going to take to our grave is
our name.Nothing else,”Bott said.
“So when you start taking a look at the
stewardship of your time, your talent and
your financial resources , the most
important aspect of life is your name. My
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