Buffalo Wings & Rings - 2014 Brochure - page 7

Toward that end, quality salads have been
introduced, food is served on white china
and servers are dressed in sports jerseys that
are branded, but not too tight on the body.
“In most of the families, where the family
goes to dine out the decision is made by the
wife, then the kids, then the husband,” he
said. “In the menu and the appearance of
the store, we are interested in being more
women-friendly. We see that the families
are happy because the husband can come
with friends to enjoy the wings and the
sports. But the wife, when she is with him, is
not left over with nothing which is
appealing toher.”
The total franchisee investment ranges
between $998,500 and $2,749,500, and
candidates are required to come in with a
minimum of $300,000 in available liquid
cash and an $800,000 net worth. The
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