CCA - page 6

6 | CCA
small rural companies – all share a com-
mon goal of competition. The largest two
carriers have such a different focus from
everyone else in the industry, and these
carriers needed a unified voice. So we
changed the name to CCA, changed our
board structure and increased the number
of carriers and associate members to re-
ally take on the competitive policy issues
head on.
CCA has essentially two roles. First,
we’re an advocacy organization dedi-
cated to pursuing those policy issues that
are critical to the competitive industry,
to competitive carriers. Second, we are a
networking and informational hub for our
members to get together and share ideas
and experiences on how to most effec-
tively deploy not only new technology,
but to meet the challenges in the every-
day world of devices and networks and
all those very complicated tech demands
that are placed on the small carriers. Not
every one of these small carriers has an
engineering and technology department,
so our networking and informational
events – our Global Expo and Annual
Convention – provide real opportunities
for smaller carriers to learn from one an-
other. While our events are an important
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