CCA - page 12

12 | CCA
needs. The carriers identify their highest
and most significant priorities, and they
work together and think collectively to
find a solution. Any CCA carrier member
may join the BIG; it is a great way to meet
people who are in similar situations, and
participants benefit from maybe not one
or two, but literally a dozen or two dozen
company CEOs and CTOs that are con-
fronting the same problems and finding
solutions. CCA provides a platform that
allows our carriers to share information
and make better business decisions.
The BIG started three years ago, and
it’s proving to be very useful for the small
carriers that don’t have dozens of people
working on a particular problem. When
you’re as small as some of these carriers,
this type of collaboration may really have
an impact on your bottom line. The BIG
initiatives also work hand-in-hand with
our policy challenges, as we seek relief
not only through public policy but also
through industry solutions. I think these
opportunities set us apart as a trade asso-
ciation from many others.
BW: Are there particular innovations
or solutions that you can point to that
were born from BIG?
BERRY: Yes, last year CCA created a
Data Access Hub, which will be hosted
by member company TNS. It is the first
of its kind in the industry, and we’re very
excited about it. Because roaming con-
nectivity continues to be a problem for
many carriers, especially those in rural
and regional areas, CCA created the Hub
to make connectivity much easier. CCA
issued a formal request for proposal for
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